12 August 2013

Review: Uniflex-N Cream

Review: Uniflex-N Cream

                                                    Uniflex-N Cream 15g RM9.80

As recently I wore tight pants, and my waist began rash and itch, I hold back my scratch during the day, but I impunity scratching when I sleep at night, the next morning I wake up, I find out my skin left red grip marks, skin injuries, therefore I buy .  

I've bought this Uniflex-N Cream a lot of times, very handy. Previously no matter what I bought the creams or to see a doctor are helpless, still itchy. Then I went to and asked the Guardian farmasi doctor, she introduced this Uniflex-N Cream. Uniflex-N Cream is for itchy and infected skin conditions in allergy, stings and bites. She said when you put this cream on the red itches, it will more itch, endure through this stage, the skin will soon recover.  

Disadvantage of this skin care is not to quit, if you scratch again, like the skin will be red wound. I believe this particular medicinal ointment is strong, since put on it, and you will see results so fast, the skin not so red. If you can not grab the skin, the skin will recover soon. The weather of my country is hot everyday, if give less some attention, it is easy to itchy skin. It is a small branch, easy go with travel. It has a box filled, open and view, you have to make a hole in it, to able to squeeze out creams, Uniflex-N Cream color is white.  

Summary is part of this Uniflex-N Cream is really very easy to use, and I also bought a few last times.  You can request at the guardian farmasy counter with the doctor. The price of Uniflex-N Cream is still same, as I bought on 19 September 2012, is RM9.80, now I bought it yesterday also have the same price RM9.80, it is worth to buy it. It is recommended to everyone, if you have skin itch, try Uniflex-N Cream.

由于近日腰部穿了紧身裤,腰部开始有红疹,很痒,白天忍住不抓痕,可是到了夜晚睡觉,却毫无顾忌地抓痒,早上睡醒后,才发现留下红红的抓痕,皮肤受伤,所以买了这支Uniflex-N Cream药膏。

    这支Uniflex-N Cream药膏我以前就买了很多次,非常好用。以前无论我买什么药膏,看什么医生都搽不好,依然很痒。结果我跑去问Guardian farmasi的医生后,她介绍这支Uniflex-N Cream药膏。她说这支药膏搽在红痒处,会很痒,忍过这个阶段后,皮肤很快会痊愈。缺点是不会断根,如果你又再抓痒,皮肤一样会红伤。我觉得这支药膏的药性很强下,因为一搽下去,你会很快看到效果,红红皮肤会变白了,没那么红。还有一点是不要搽脸哦,药性很强。如果你能忍住不去抓它,皮肤会很快痊愈。

    在我国这样四季如夏的炎热天气,稍微不注意,皮肤很容易就痕痒。它很小支,容易带着出外。它有个盒子装着,打开来看,要把它穿个洞,就能把药膏挤出来,药膏颜色是白色的。可以去guardianUniflex-N Cream,不过它是没有摆出来的,要去farmasi department那边向那位医疗师买才行。Uniflex-N Cream价钱是RM9.80

    总结是这支Uniflex-N Cream药膏真的非常好用,我也买过几支,所以推荐给大家,如果你有皮肤的疼痒,试试这支Uniflex-N Cream药膏吧。

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