12 August 2013

买什么怡保特产手信礼品好呢?Part 2

买什么怡保特产手信礼品好呢?Part 2

Cissy Crackers马铃薯饼干当怡保手信或礼品吧!

    有时候,到旧街场买些怡保手信时,发现比较出名的地方都挤满了人群,排长龙,看来也不知道要等到几时才能买到。所以索性就去买其他比较容易买到,又好吃的。终于找到这个饼Cissy Crackers by Crowna,试买了很多种饼干,这种是特别并好吃。

    他的包装是黄色的,是根据马铃薯的颜色吧。里面有十包小包装,方便拿来吃。Cissy Crackers包装很精致斯文,把它来送人或当手信是最好不过了。价钱又合理,RM6,围起来每包才60仙。打开一看,饼干制作到薄薄小小,四方一片,整齐地排的满满。拿一块Cissy Crackers来尝尝,哇,一咬之下,口口清脆,很爽脆可口,不看还以为是奶油饼,其实不然,是马铃薯片饼,让人一片接一片,停不了口。



                                      Cissy Crackers RM6.00 with 10 packs inside of it.

What should I buy in Ipoh?
Buy Cissy Crackers Potato Biscuits as souvenirs or gifts when travel in Ipoh now!

Sometimes, I went to the Ipoh Old Town to buy foods as a gift, the famous places are packed with people crowds, long queues, it seems do not know how long have to wait to buy. Therefore I go to find out something that available, and delicious

I have try to buy a variety of biscuits, finally found the Cissy Crackers by Crowna, and this is particularly delicious. Its package is yellow in color, color is according to the potato. Inside there have ten small packs package, it become easy to eat it. Cissy Crackers packaging is very delicate gentle. The price is reasonable, RM6, only 60 cents per pack.  

Opened it, a thin biscuit production to small, square one, neatly schedule is full. Take a piece of Cissy Crackers to taste, wow, taste very crisp and delicious, the potato sliced small piece, makes easy to  pick one. Although it is a small bag, after finished a small packet, there will be a feeling of satiety

But where can I buy it? Do not worry, if you know that famous Huang sprouts chicken shop, you can easily find it, the name is Huang Yao Kee shop, located in next door to Huang sprouts chicken shop. When you enter the store, you will be dazzling, dazzling variety of specialty products which one you have to choose, a similar biscuit but have a few brands, confused to choose. Adults and children will like this biscuits, as it delicate and delicious, try to buy a package and taste it!

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