12 August 2013

买什么怡保特产手信礼品好呢?Part 3

买什么怡保特产手信礼品好呢?Part 3




This Honey Shat Kek Ma Cookies produced by Loke Kee Biscuit & Cake Shop Sdn Bhd. The Honey Cookies also available in Huang Yao Kee shop, it is the produce in Ipoh. Honey Shat Kek Ma Cookies have many flavors, such as flavor honey, coffee, coconut, black honey and so on.  

Coconut flavor is not so that tasty. I remember has another one specialty shop also sell this product, selling more flavor, I forgot toshop name, I remember that specialty shops selling things a little more expensive. I introduce this black honey.  

From its packaging appearances, has been very attractive, cute. Inside Honey Shat Kek Ma Cookies eight of small blue in color package, easy to let people eat. Ate a small packet, people will get the feeling of fullness.  

But this Honey Shat Kek Ma Cookies did not as I imagine that so delicious, because I've eaten another one more delicious than this one, it is crunchy and taste good. The price of Honey Shat Kek Ma Cookies is RM6.20. But perhaps everyone's taste different, or you will like it.

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