05 August 2013

Malaysia Income Tax (4)

Malaysia Income Tax (4)
61) Q: I have shop rental received, what Form should fill?
A: The case if rental received only, fill in Borang BE, duedate is on 30 April. If you have any other business income, you have to fill with the business income in Borang B, deadline is 30 June.

62) Q: I have house rental received, what expenses can be deducted?
A: There are bank interest, house taxes, fire insurance, rent management fees, maintenance fees.

63) Q: I have house rental received, the renovation of the house can be expenses?
A: No, renovation cannot be expenses deducted, only maintenance fees can be deducted.

64) Q: I am a part-time model, and sometimes take a show with wages but no receipt, how fill in? What is tax deductible?
Answer: Use Borang B and deadline is 30 June. Deducted expenses such as mobile phone bills, petrol, entertainment, commission etc. You should do an account of it, Income & Expenditure Account. Take wages without a receipt, also have to stated, because the other party to pay you money, they reported your name in their account as they also had tax. It better open a bank account, just bank in the income money only, and then you know how much total income a year.

65) Q: I am a property consultant, no salary, only to earn commission. How do I fill in? What can be tax-free?
Answer: Borang B filing, deadline 30 June. Your income is like a business. You better do an account of it, Profit & Loss A / C.

66) Q: My friend is a singer, his car maintenance fee can be claim?
A: Yes, but since the cars have involved private use, so the car's maintenance fees are not completely tax free.

66) Q: I am an author, do the computer can do tax deductible?
A: In your case, because of your business is author, needs and buy a computer,  that belongs to you a business asset, so you put it in fixed asset, not directly on your expenses claim. Capital allowance can only be tax deductible.

66) Q: Buy amanah saham Malaysia. Is it tax?
A: No need to tax, it is not a dividend, sending the interest did not have to refund.

67) Q: Where the dividend have to fill in the BE Form? C2 or C6?
A: Better fill in C2. Dividend. If you fill in C6, next year the lhdn system will automatically send CP500, want you to pay once every two months for the tax, it similar PCB withholding tax on, it is will assume is your part-time income.

68) Q: I have a tax refund, the lhdn will return to me or just keep it for me?
A: You have the right to choose a refund or they keep it. If they have kept it, they will inform you by letter.

69) Q: Should the employee's wages fill into the EA Form?
A: Yes, you should fill the wages.

70) Q: Can my wife and my medical insurance deduct in a person's tax? We are separate tax form.
A: No, please deduct by your own income tax.
71) Q: I have two EA form at different companies. Which company should I fill in No. Majika? Just add up EA Form when I fill the borang b?
Answer: You should fill No. Majikan with the latest company which is current. Yes, total up two EA Form together.

72) Q: My EA Form has disappeared, I do not want to go back to the old company took a new one, can I use EPF statement?
A: Yes, you can also proof it by using payslip, salary receipts, bank notebook, which it is the kind of direct bank-in salary.

73) Q: Can the company's meals or entertainment deductible?
A: If you are entertaining the customer who is not your customer yet, cannot be deducted. An existing customer, in order to earn the business, you can deduct 50%, remember to write the customer's name.

74) Q: How to fill the stock in form?
A: Actually, when you receive dividend, that is net of taxes, if you want to get back, you fill Dividend Equity Income side, net of taxes will write on the back Tolakan cukai seksyen 51 Akta Kewangan 2007 (dividen )

75) Q: The slip that I want to keep for seven year is blur, how do I to do?
A: You'd better get a photocopy. Then you kept them for seven years.

76) Q: My mother went to Singapore to see a doctor, is the medical fee tax deductible?
A: Medical fee in Singapore cannot be deduct, medical receipts must come from a registered doctor in Malaysia MMC.

77) Q: Can I open the Income Tax no.? But I not exceed the salary for tax.
A: Yes. Once you have opened tax file that is a lifelong tax.

78) Q: I pay more taxes, how long have to wait to get back the cheque?
A: If you used e-Filing, you have to wait for 30 days or less, while the handwriting send by pos is for three months. LHDN through many procedures to determine how much have to refund to you. So I usually wait a year, if there is no message, then I write reminders.

79) Q: I give some money my wife as home expenses, can it be tax dedcuctible?
A: Cannot. It is no deductible.

80) Q: Does Microsoft, antivirus is a computer tax relief?
A: No. Cannot consider.


  1. i have 1 brother, can my brother and me claim medical fee for parents RM5k each?

    1. Hi Ni, cannot, if both of you claim it will be double RM10k, because you only paid RM5k.

  2. I am fully employed but doing some part time online business. Do i need to declare the income from online business to LHDN? Should i use Borang BE? Under which section of Borang BE that i need to declare the income?

  3. I am fully employed but doing some part time online business. Do i need to declare the income from online business to LHDN? Should i use Borang BE? Under which section of Borang BE that i need to declare the income?


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