03 August 2013

Malaysia Income Tax (2)

Malaysia Income Tax (2)

21) Q: Can claim tax relief for buy a swimming suit?
A: All those swimming suit, clothes, pants, shoes cannot be claim as sport tax relief. The limit is RM300.

22) Q: May I use the book receipts that I bought in Taiwan?
A: Yes, you may.

23) Q: Do badminton racket is tax deductible?
A: Yes, badminton racket, basketball, football and so can deduct.

24) Q: Can treadmill exercise equipment considered as tax relief?
A: Yes, it is.

25) Q: I bought a computer reference books in Popular book store, is it deductible for tax purposes?
A: Yes, whatever books can be deducted, except pornography banned books and newspapers.

26) Q: The book receipt is manual handwritten, costs four hundred, may I deduct it for personal income tax?
A: Yes, please indicate the name of each book.

27) Q: I have waited my income tax refund cheque for four months and I did not receive it! I wait or call to ask it?
A: Do not wait, call and ask it, tel 1300-88-3010

28) Q: If my computer's original purchase receipt already take to lucky draw, so it cannot claim, as it didn’t has any proof?
A: Yes.

29) Q: When is the deadline for Employment income personal tax?
A: In the old way, that is, to mail by pos or hand-deliver to income tax department is 30 April 2014. On other hand, in order to access internet filing system, is 15 May 2014.

30) Q: When do business or freelance person filing deadline?
A: In the old way to send by mail, is 30 June 30 2014. As for filling online tax is 15 July 2014.

31) Q: Will the penalty, fines and compound that I put in the expenses add back?
A: No matter what penalties are not into expenses, because it is not tax deductible, even if they would add back into it. In fact, in the accounts, usually what expenses they went into the P & L a / c, but can be used to tax, then their tax agent to interrogate the purpose of these expenditures in order to know how to adjust.

32) Q: What is the Form that Employee has to fill in?
A: With Borang BE.

33) Q: What should the own business people fill in any form?
A: The person who do business, please fill with Borang B.

34) Q: Do the Sdn Bhd and sole proprietor’s Borang is different?
A: is not the same borang, Sdn Bhd is a Borang C or Borang R, and the sole proprietor is Borang B.

35) Q: My company is a Partnership, is my friend and me, just two of us.  Then what should fill the form?
A: First of all, Partnership company is filled Borang P, which is for the company's income tax. Then each of you and your friends to fill Borang B, this is for personal income tax.

36) Q: What is meaning for Borang E?
A: Borang E is prepared by your employer, or your employer's HR filled, which is filling the number of employees and their salaries.

37) Q: What is EA Form?
A: EA Form is the employer prepared for employees that is proof of your employment income, it is easy for you to fill in Borang BE, if you are in the words of taxes.

38) Q: If I was working in Singapore, do I have to fill the tax?
A: If you are working in Singapore, your income tax is not required in Malaysia. And you have to report the tax is Singapore tax.

39) Q: I have a child, can be reduced 50% to my wife, 50% to my deduction?
A: No, only a child's parents can not deduct 50% of the father, mother deduction 50%, unless they were divorce. However, if there are two children, each person can be deducting a chil 100%. Encourage children to deduct in the high-income parents. The limit of child relief is RM1000. Child relief is defined as the following
Syarat yang perlu dipenuhi untuk mendapat potongan anak adalah:
a. Individu atau pasangan bermastautin di Malaysia;
b. Individu atau pasangan membelanjakan sepenuhnya atau sebahagian untuk menyara anak;
c. Anak berkenaan belum berkahwin.

40) Q: I would like to enroll course, which can be tax deductible?
A: These courses include accounting, legal, technical, technology, Islamic finance, industry or IT skills range, these are college level, not a master's or doctoral level. The master's or doctoral level, any field or research programs can be. Those schools have to be approved by the Board of Higher Education. Recognized in Malaysia affected is RM5000, personal educational expenses are tax deductible.

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