06 August 2013

Movie Review: The Amazing Spider Man

Movie Review: The Amazing Spider Man

This Spider Man movie is new episode. Before that, there have a few sets movie about spiderman. But this movie spiderman has different actor. Therefore,   re-introduced the legend of Spider Man. Spider-Man story general begin with Peter with his girlfriend Gwen in the school. Gwen's father was a sheriff. Spiderman Peter has Uncle Ben and Aunt May, unfortunately, Uncle Ben died because of an accident, while Peter remorse, rummaging all of New York should find that the murderer. When Peter investigate the causes of accidental death of his parents, met Dr Curt, and Peter give his father died in order to hide this recipe to a Dr Curt, but Peter did not know that is so dangerous at that time.  

 And later after Peter knew their trouble, of course, he solves the trouble. At the Institute, Peter was bite by a special spider, and become a bit like a spider characteristics. Peter has noticed out this spider bite him at home, such a long time. After Peter have spider power, spiderman Peter have a mighty strong strength, he has to control the force, because a lot of things such as door locks, plumbing and so was Peter twisted ruined.  

The second is that he can freely crawling, his hand always stick things, such as sticky paper. SpiderMan has one different power with the old movie one is, Peter create ejected from the palm of cotton line by his own. SpiderMan have a great ability to create, like his father. Dr Curt tried that potion, though let him have arms, but there are side effects, become lizard monster, so horrible

 Even more frightening is Dr Curt wants the world to become like him who are lizard people. Peter wants to stop him. Gwen's father took Gwen’s antidote to Spider-Man, but Gwen's father unexpectedly died. Finally Peter promised Gwen's father, get out of Gwen, so Gwen will be safer.

这部蜘蛛侠电影和之前出过几集连续的,是不同男主角,换了人来拍,所以也重新介绍过蜘蛛侠的由来。如一般蜘蛛侠故事,蜘蛛侠Peter在学校有了女友GwenGwen的父亲是大警长,有Uncle BenAunt May领养Peter,可是Uncle Ben却因一场意外去世,而Peter自责,翻找全纽约也要找出那凶手。

    当Peter查他的父母意外死亡起因时,认识了Dr Curt,并把他父亲为了隐藏这个配方而死给了Dr Curt,不过当时Peter并不知道,后来Peter知道后自己闯祸,所以当然又要由他来解决。在研究所中,Peter被一只特种的蜘蛛咬到,而变了有点像蜘蛛的特征。恐怖的是那只蜘蛛竟然粘着Peter到家才发现,发现有长长的细线。

    Peter有了蜘蛛特征后,其中一个力量是力大无穷,所以他要控制下力道,因为很多东西如门锁,水喉等都被Peter扭毁了。第二是他可以自由爬来爬去,有黏性,黏纸,粘来粘去。蜘蛛侠从手掌喷出的细绵线,是蜘蛛侠自己制造出来的,这点就和之前的电影不同,蜘蛛侠都很有创造能力,有如他父亲。Dr Curt因为院长的紧逼之下,Dr Curt自己试了那个配方,虽然让他有了手臂,可是有副作用,变成蜥蜴人,好恐怖。

    更可怕的是,Dr Curt要全世界的人变成和他一样是蜥蜴人,他自己变就好啦,还要把全部人变。Peter当然去阻止。Gwen的父亲,拿了Gwen做的解药给蜘蛛侠,但是却意外死了。最后Peter答应Gwen的父亲,不和Gwen一起,以免Gwen受到危险。

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