04 August 2013

Review: Life of Pi

Movie Review: Life of Pi

This movie is very popular. The director is Ang Lee also won awards. Although some people said Life of Pi would bore, I watched the movie Life of Pi to find out what makes Life of Pi famous. The story of Life of Pi is a young boy name Pi, have an adventure on sea. PI has encounter tsunami, and Pi drifting by boat. There have an author interview Pi. At first I also thought that his name is pronounced as pi, he tried to teach his teachers and classmates called him pie, not pi. Then he tells the author about how to recognize the tiger, how an accident happens, and live on the boat together with the tiger, across the oceans.

PI had a chance is to let the tiger drown into the sea, but PI could not bear, and save the tiger's life. I think the most special, the most beautiful picture in Life of Pi, there are two, one is in the moonlight night falls down the sea glamor shot beautiful scenery.  

Another one of Life of Pi is Pi came to an island, like paradise scenery, exotic flowers and green trees. The island is a weird gigantic creature. In the morning, the island making a lot of things for you to eat, at night the creature eats you slowly dissolve. In the morning, the water is crystal clear, clear and pure, you can drink the water. There are many I do not know what the name of cute hamster. In the evening they are afraid of ground, all rushed to the tree to get sleep, because the ground will dissolve. This strange island is fantastic, the scenery views pretty.
这部电影Life of Pi很红下,Life of Pi导演李安也拿下奖。虽然有些人说会很闷,不过我还是看了这部电影Life of Pi,想看下到底有什么稀奇的地方。一开始是男主角Pi说起他年轻时遇到海啸坐小船漂流的生活。是一位男作者访问Pi。刚开始我也是以为他名字的发音是pi屁,他也有提起他小时候在学校,如何向他的老师同学叫他的名字,是pai派。

    我觉得最特别,Life of Pi最漂亮的画面,是有两个,一个是夜幕低垂的海洋在月光倒射出美丽魅力的景色,映入眼帘。第二个是Pi来到了一个神奇的生物岛,景色像世外桃源,奇花异葩。早上制作很多东西给你吃,引诱住在它的身体里面,然后到了晚上就慢慢溶解吃了你。这个生物早上时是很安详,水是很晶莹剔透,清澈纯净,可以喝的水,有很多不知什么名的可爱鼠。到了晚上鼠们都很怕,全部都赶到树上睡,因为地上会溶解。这个奇怪的岛很梦幻下,风光景致。


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