04 August 2013

Review: The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1

Movie Review: The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1

I have watched the Twilight entire episode before this one. I also have read The Twilight novels. I like to watch the magic or power in the movie. The Twilight vampire power makes me wonder. However, The Twilight film talks about Bella and Edward prepare the marriage party, get married, honeymoon, pregnancy and the baby born. Because I can not wait to see the film, so I've seen The Twilight novel, I know the story.  

A start, the vampire family began to have arranged and decorated the wedding party and wedding reception. The guys easily carry the bulky long tree chairs, for Bellaseeing these, she is be use to be. The wedding day finally has come, the wedding held in the mistery forest. Wedding themes are very gorgeous, full of dense shade of beige hanging garlanded like flowers

Bella, the beautiful bride, in pretty dress, she nervously holding his father hand walk towards the wedding. When Bella saw her beloved groom, she calmed down a lot. The handsome groom smiles happily, waiting for the bride to go forward. In the wedding everyone say greetings, people were dancing. After the wedding party, the couple goes for honeymoon

Later they found Bella pregnant, this is an example of never happened, they rush back, cancel the honeymoon. Bella insisted the baby, eventhough Bella will dead after the baby born. At last the baby was born. Bella turned into a vampire by Edward in order to live. The Twilight In the end, Bella becomes a beauty vampire.
之前看了The Twilight第一集好看后,就一直看下去接下来的几集。我喜欢看有魔力的电影。而The Twilight吸血鬼的魔法令我惊叹。可是这部电影却越拍越不好看。这部The Twilight也没什么重点。重点是女主角Bella和男主角Edward结婚,然后渡蜜月,过后怀孕生孩子。因为等不及看他的电影,所以之前我已经看了这部电影The Twilight的小说。一开始,吸血鬼家族开始纷纷布置婚礼和婚宴。他们轻而易举地台前笨重长长的树桐椅,对他们来说易如反掌,不过对于Bella来说,这是见怪不怪的事了。



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