04 August 2013

Review: Rise of the Guardians

Movie Review: Rise of the Guardians

I like to watch movie that full of the magic of animation, when you see this Rise of the Guardians pictorial, it was pretty. The moon is the boss, fairies were arranged by her, the moon can not speak, they have to guess what the moon would like to express to them. Suddenly, the demon appears moon chose a new guardian of the devil to come to the war, such as the name of the film Rise of the Guardians, who would it be? Already had four guardians, they are Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and the Sandman. 

 The fifth is Jack Frost, Snow Prince? The most surprising in Rise of the Guardians is the Easter Bunny looks very rough look, should not be a lovely bunny. The funny moment in Rise of the Guardians is Bunny Mund is afraid of Santa's sleigh ride. But with other people when he went to his home, he was way into the soil. Tooth fairy like the handsome Jack Frost, because he has a dazzling white teeth, Jack Frost is a cold white as snow skin. Some of them can not accept the new guardian, even Jack Frost has no confidence.  

 Jack Frost hit anything freezing. Found Sandman's super-powerful. Sandman has a magic golden sand make children feel sleepy and sweet dream there, he can make a lot of things with his sands. The only regret is that Sandman can not speak, can only do symbols.

Christmas present are not make by elf, but do by Bigfoot. The most pity scene is bunny Mund is under the influence of the devil, the Easter Bunny’s magic disappearing, and become a very cute little bunny. In the end, just like the moon predicted, Jack Frost successfully defeated the demons. And they back to normal.

我喜欢有魔法Rise of the Guardians的动画片,当看到这部Rise of the Guardians的画报时,已经很想看。这部电影Rise of the Guardians是说月亮是老大,神仙子都是由她安排,月亮不会说话,大家还得猜月亮想向他们表达什么。突然,那个恶魔重新出现,月亮选了一位新卫护者来抗战恶魔,如电影名字,会是谁呢? 当时已经有了四位,是Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, the Sandman。第五是Jack Frost,雪王子?最惊讶的是the Easter Bunny外表很粗野一下,不是应该很可爱的嘛。很搞笑的是Bunny Mund 很怕坐Santa的鹿车,当他带其他人去他的家时,他是进土的方式的。 

 Tooth fairy很喜欢俊朗Jack Frost,因为他有一口雪白耀眼的牙齿,Jack Frost就是一身如雪那么白冷。其他人无法接受这个新卫护者,就连Jack Frost也没信心。Jack Frost碰到什么都结冰。发现Sandman的威力无比,不要看他不出风头,一出就一鸣惊人。

Sandman的法力是金色的沙子让孩童感到睡眼惺忪有个美梦,他的金沙还能做出很多东西。唯一遗憾的是Sandman不能说话,只能做些符号。在夜晚,他们分工合作一起替飞不起了的tooth fairy收集小乳牙。他们还在忙中作乐,他们在比赛谁收集比较多。 

好笑的是不是小精灵做圣诞礼物,而是大脚头做的。最怜惜的一幕是,在恶魔的影响下,the Easter Bunny变成了法力消失,很小很可爱的小兔子。不过最后还是由月亮所预测般Jack Frost成功战胜了恶魔。

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