24 July 2013

Review: O’s lee Rosehip Q10 Moisture Lotion

Review: O’s lee Rosehip Q10 Moisture Lotion

O’s lee Rosehip Q10 Moisture Lotion
This face skin care product is very famous in Hong Kong.When I find out this product brand, it has to log in website, order in internet, because they did not sales in the mall or others outlets. But I didn’t like to order in internet at that moment. After a few months later, Guardian store have sell their product. Therefore I purchased the most famous one, O’s lee rosehip q10 moisture lotion.

Look the outside of the packaging, O’s lee Rosehip Q10 Moisture Lotion is really attractive and pretty, I really like it, its looks gentle. The bottle is made by glass, its lovely when you hold the bottle, and fell the texture. The image of the bottle is beautiful. It is very surprise that when I open the cover, I press it one drop and I smell it, the smell is the natural rose scent, the feeling is very good and relaxing, is like surrounding with pink roses. This is one of my reasons like this product, although it is expensive. O’s lee Rosehip Q10 Moisture Lotion keeps your skin looking good and feeling really soft all day. But it is expensive for me to use it. Therefore I just buy it once after I finish it. The packaging has some size to choose, if you want to try, you can buy the trial kid or the small package one, for traveling or trying.

The O’s lee Rosehip brand has many varieties of skin care products. They also have cleanser, toner, sunblock, powder and others skin care products. I have tried their cleanser sample before. I think their cleanser is better than this lotion. After wash their cleanser, the rose scent on the face skin, I really like it. Let’s come back to their lotion. Its main ingredient is rosehip extract and Q10. They will make your face skin be more moisturizing, keep out of the dryness skin. After you have clean up your face, you can apply this lotion on face skin, it will lock your face moisturize and keeping watering. Personally, I think it is too moisturizing for my skin. In my view, you can buy O’s lee Rosehip Q10 Moisture Lotion at Guardian only, if you want to buy it at the real store, in my country, maybe in other country can buy it easily. Or you may order it in internet and in their website too.

O’s lee Rosehip Q10 Moisture Lotion does moisturize my face, I feel that the refreshing scent make me feel lovely, like protected. Unfortunately, I feel this face lotion is a little bit too much moisturizing my face. Maybe in Hong Kong is suitable use this Q10 lotion. If you think it is no suitable for your face skin care, you can use it as hand cream, as no to waste this lotion. I think O’s lee Rosehip Q10 Moisture Lotion suitable for people who have dry face skin or for whom that stay mostly in air-conditioned room and places.

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