31 March 2013

Review: Nano White Omega Day Shield spf50++

Review: Nano White Omega Day Shield spf50++

Nano White Omega Day Shield SPF50++ 35ml RM 29.90


After having nice result on the Nano White Refining treatment toner, i try their sunblock as well. Sometimes, sunblock is really hard to find, as almost all types of the sunblock texture are always oily or greasy. Fortunately, I am happy that I have found Nano White Omega Day Shield SPF50++ is suitable for me.

Before I have used this sunblock product Nano White Omega Day Shield SPF50++, I have tried other sunblock brands. Unfortunately, they are still very oily and sticky, that make my face skin have pimples. Let me introduce the sunblock of Nano white, there have two types of Sunblock in this nano brand, which are white and brown. For me, I choose the white skin color which is suit to my white skin. The shape of the bottle is special than others, the design is very cute.

Oh, there is one thing I have to tell is, the first time I open it, I took off the white cover, the cream inside there, is automatically squeeze out by itself, at that time, I think oh my, why it still coming out, it is so waste my sunblock cream. But after use a while, it will be back to normal, it just come out when you squeeze it. So you don't have to worry why it is continuing pour out, and how to stop it.

The scent of the sunblock is no very strong smell, it is smell natural. I fell nice after apply on face, non-greasy texture. The texture is amazing. It's quite runny and feels a bit sticky, but dries off with a smooth texture. After applying Nano White Omega Day Shield SPF50++, I don’t worry about my face will get dullness, as it will block the sunscreen and protect my skin. It also remands my natural pure white skin color. It likes guarantees to shield my skin from both UVA and UVB radiation to help minimize stubborn pigmentation. Omega Day Shield really helps me to block the sunscreen well. I still use it until now.

我使用了Nano White Refining treatment toner之后,发现Nano White Refining treatment toner很适合我的皮肤,所以我也试下这款品牌的脸部防晒品。有时候真的很难找到一款适合自己的脸部防晒品,防晒品大多数是比较油的,因为里面有一些防晒的成分本来就是油的,如果不放的话,防晒的作用就没有了。找了那么多的防晒品,我很高兴能找到Nano White Omega Day Shield SPF50++是适合自己的。

Nano White Omega Day Shield SPF50++有两种颜色可以选择,有白色和肤色的。我选择白色。所谓的肤色应该是给肤色比较深的朋友。Nano White Omega Day Shield SPF50++搽在脸上不会觉得很油腻。

第一次扭开它的盖子,我还没挤防晒霜,而它自动挤出来,不过用了一次后,它就不会自动挤出来了。搽了Nano White Omega Day Shield SPF50++后,我不用担心我的脸会黯淡,因有它替我防止UVAUVB晒黑和恢复原本白肤色。

1 comment:

  1. 那么它是属于物理防晒还是化学防晒?


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