02 September 2013

Movie Review: Atlantic Rim 环大西洋

Movie Review: Atlantic Rim
At first watch the movie "Atlantic Rim", I felt like a very old movie. The moment that very funny is I thought this “Atlantic Rim”is the “Pacific Rim”. In the beginning, feeling a little frightened, as the suddenly set off a huge sea monster dinosaur, a bit like when I am a kid, watching the Power Rangers. When you see the three pilots control three huge mechanical robots, it seems like Power Rangers, red, blue and green. 

 "Atlantic Rim" whole play, my favorite episode is the monster appears, and then three controlled robot came to stop monster from destroying the land. "Atlantic Rim" is a sci-fi and horror movie theme. The film's story has two different worlds, one is hidden in the deepest of the oceans of the world, it does not know what is the world and they called it "The Anteverse", a monster appear from that hole, if you want access to that world, the entry is in the bottom of the ocean 5 miles deep.  

The monsters called "kaiju". Initially thought why so early they have defeat a huge monster, after that behind there will be appear another one monster, I thought only one huge monster only. It attacked the U.S. city of San Francisco, the people had to exterminate it

 In order to resist marine monsters are increasingly frequent attacks, humans doing a project called "Hunter" (Jaeger) military plan, produced a powerful military technology and equipment to deal with the monster. They invented the giant "Robots", which control by three pilots, so total of three robots. But later discovered, Pacific Rim is a novel, was transferred shoot for the movie, before this movie, Japan and China also have filmed it to movies. In the end they successfully fought back a huge monster, restore calm life of the planet. In my view is this movie is no good at all.

Movie Review: 环大西洋

    一开始,感觉有点惊吓下,突然间,海里掀起一个巨大的恐龙怪兽,有点像小时候看的Power Rangers。当看到三位控制三个巨大的机械人时,更加像及Power Rangers,有红色、蓝色和青色。《环大西洋》整部戏,我最喜欢的情节是恐龙怪兽出现,然后三位控制机械人去阻止恐龙怪兽。

    《环大西洋》是一部科幻和恐怖题材的电影。这个影片的故事有两个不同世界的,一个是隐藏在海洋底部的不知道什么的世界称“The Anteverse“,是怪兽从那个洞冒出,如要通往那世界,它的入口在海洋底部5英里,很深。那个恐龙怪兽称“kaiju”。起初想到为何那么早就打败了巨大怪兽,那后面做什么,原来还有一只会出现,很惊吓到,还以为只有一个巨大怪兽而已。它攻击了美国的旧金山市,人民不得不灭掉它。为了抵抗海洋怪兽们越来越频密的攻击,人类做了一项名为猎人Jaeger)的军事计划,制作了有 厉害的科技装备军队来对付的怪兽。

    他们发明了的巨型机械人,由一人操纵一个机械人,所以一共有三个机械人。不过后来发现,Pacific Rim是一部小说,被转拍为电影,之前日本和中国也有拍过电影。最后结局也成功还击巨大怪兽,还原地球的平静生活。终结是这部戏不好看。

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