02 September 2013

Movie Review: Pacific Rim 环太平洋

Movie Review: Pacific Rim

“Pacific Rim " This movie is really very nice to watch. The film is from a novel. It has made a lot of different version of the movie. The story is that the earth suddenly there was a very special world out of the bottom of the entrance is the deepest in the Pacific Ocean. There is a “worm hole " can be linked to another world. Another world is where the monsters live. People in order to resist the evil monster, and they design the huge robots. This huge robot is control by two pilots. As the monster has two brains, therefore, one pilot control right brain, and one person control the left brain, one robot has two brains, which can defend the monster. Nobody can be a person who controls the robot, except Raleigh and the army general. So they will know each other memories, whether past or present, they have can feel each others thoughts, when they brain mix together. I have found that pilots did not feel unafraid of death, because it could easily be monsters attack and died. The monsters were very strong, those monsters will be upgraded, have the power to fly. Beginning of the story is very interesting, Raleigh’s brother was dead when defend the monster. Raleigh lost his brother, left the pilot. And change to construction worker. 5 years later, the general want Raleigh back to pilot, to save the Hong Kong land. After numerous tests, "Mako Mori" Japanese woman got her dream come true, be the Raleigh partner, and she is the pilot. The first psychic of Raleigh after 5 years, he make a mistake, he in his memory, but he quickly wake up. Raleigh is the main pilot, when he out of his control, that time, he makes Mako also in her memory, she lost in her childhood nightmare memory, cannot wake up, out of her control.  But later they become a best partner. There are two relatively mad scientists. after they would be become partners. They both use their different scientific knowledge, get in monster brain, derived monster information and memory to help them destroy the monster underwater caves. Through the idea of ​​monster, scientists have found very clever monster, before they have tried to live in Earth, the first dinosaur world, but the air is not suitable for their lives, and the second is the people's age, but at the time, fresh air, is not suitable for them. Lastly, they found the air polluted by people now, is suitable for them, so they will occupy the entire planet inhabited. In the end, they have successfully destroyed the monster’s “door”, the people have a peaceful life of the earth, no need to worry about the monsters.

Movie Review: 《环太平洋》

《环太平洋》这部电影真的非常好看,从头到尾都不能看漏眼。这部电影是从一部小说而编剧出来。也出了很多不同的电影版本。剧情是说地球突然出现了一个很特别的世界出来,入口是在太平洋海洋底部最深处,有一个“虫洞”可以和另一个世界链接。另一个世界是怪兽的地方。人民为了要抵抗怪兽,而设计了机械人。这个巨大的机甲要两人才能启动到,当时只有只有将军和男主角罗利在不得已的情况下,试过一人启动巨大机甲。为何要两人呢?因为是要一人负责左脑,一人负责右脑,这样才能对付到怪兽?因为一个怪兽有两个脑。然后有主机甲驾驶员和副机甲驾驶员。所以两人的记忆,不论是以前还是当下,他们有能感受对方的思想,心灵相通,多数是哥弟,姐妹,或夫妇统领。有一个竟然三胞胎三人一起启动三只手的机甲,很神奇,不会乱吗?我发现机甲驾驶员要有视死如归的感觉,因为很容易就会被怪兽攻击而死。他们的机甲比起怪兽来说,真的是微不足道,那些怪兽还会升级,会飞又有威力,反观机甲一如往常,不会飞,炸药不够强,机甲不够硬,怪兽轻而易举把机甲打败,还有就是机甲不够多,怪兽比机甲多。故事一开始画面已经很刺激,男主角罗利的哥哥就被怪兽捉出来,去世,因为是通灵,所以罗利的哥哥那些死和害怕的感觉让罗利难以解脱,失去了至亲,悲伤的罗利离开战队,当建筑地工人。五年多后,将军找回罗利来做机甲驾驶员。经过重重考验,“Mako Mori”的日本女子如愿以偿当罗利的搭档,而她就是女主角。第一次通灵中,可能罗利太久没操作机甲,和他还在失去他哥哥的阴影中,而迷失于记忆中,不过专业的他很快就醒了,可是却领到第一次通灵的副驾驶员Mako也迷失于她小时候残酷的记忆中。不过之后他们也变成了很好的搭档。一次执行任务中,幸好Mako知道机甲里有把剑,才能逃过一劫,可能罗利不知道机甲现在改成这样。剧情还有两个比较疯狂的科学家,他们本来是冤家变成合作伙伴,运用他们俩不同的科学学识,联通怪兽的脑,而得怪兽的资料,帮助机甲们毁灭的怪兽的 海底洞穴。通过怪兽的思想,科学家发现怪兽很聪明,以前它们有尝试来到地球,第一次是恐龙世界,但是空气不适合它们生活,第二次是人民时代,但是那时空气清新,也不适合它们,最终他们发现这次的空气被人们污染了,很适合它们,所以就要霸占整个地球当它们的聚居。最终还了地球有个安宁生活。

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