04 September 2013

Movie Review: Fast & Furious 6

Movie Review: Fast & Furious 6

After I have watched this film, I very like to watch it. Before I watch this movie, I did not watch the part 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. And now I heard that they will film the 7 series, and directed by James Wan, he is from Sarawak, Malaysia (my country). Fast & Furious 6 was directed by Justin Lin, he is from Taiwan, and directed series from 3 until 6. At first, I think this film is about pretty cars and girls, but after watch it, the movie action of the cars is really amazing and incredible. Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto, he is a street racer and fugitive. His sister is MiaToretto. They called Dominic as Dom. One moment that I shock is Dom’s new Brazil pretty girlfriend is a member of Hobbs' team, undercover. Paul Walker as Brian O’Conner, he is a former FBI agent in America, but turned in criminal. Brian is in a relationship with Mia Toretto, they have a son named Jack. Michelle Rodriguez as Letty Ortiz, she is Dominic's former girlfriend who was believed to be dead, after Dom saw Hobbs’s record, he found that Letty is still alive and doing the criminal. Letty Ortiz is just lost her memory, at the end she still no remembers anything yet, but she has left the Shaw team and with Dom team together. Sung Kang as Han Seoul-Oh, he is a street racer and member of Dominic's crew. Unfortunately, he was dead in the end, what a pity. Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs, he is a Diplomatic Security Service agent. His body is very huge and strong. Gina Carano as Riley Hicks, she is a member of Hobbs' team. I very surprised that Riley Hicks betray of him. I thought Letty will not follow Owen Shaw, when Owen Shaw called, surprised me am that Riley Hicks follow him. In the end, Dominic and his team is confirm free, their criminal files for last time one or old time one records are dismantle, file off. Therefore they go back the United States, have a peaceful lifetime. The Dom team stay together and have a barbeque lunch happy moment. Dom chooses Letty in the end. Han is sad as Gisele dead in the accident of the plane. The pity thing is this Han and Gisele just start the relationship, make a date in Tokyo in future, I think haven’t start yet, unfortunately, both of them also died.Han went to Tokyo with sadly mood. He is in a car racing, suddenly, someone has hit Han’s car and killing him. Then, will continue with the Series 7. Oh my, then I cannot watch Han on series 7?! Or add a new person. The whole movie most excited is when they chasing each other. The amazing scene is has plane, tank, racing special car. Three moments is very interesting, one is at first they chase Shaw with car but fail, second is chase the tank, there has a boom and Dom save Letty, lastly is the plane, and they want to stop the plane flight. I like to watch the Dom team cooperation together search and fight against the enemy. I can’t wait to watch the series 7.

影评: 快速与激情6
今天我要介绍的是这部电影,《快速与激情6》,我看完后觉得很好看。我喜欢看一个组合一起你协助我我帮助你来解决按档,尤其里面还有很爆炸性的场面,刺激的画面。看了这部戏,才发现原来前面有一、二、三、四、五集,接下来明年会有第七集。前面那些集我没有看吔,当初没看是因为以为讲述车和美女,我不感兴趣,后来听到别人说很好看,所以就看下咯。结果真的很好看,不然为何它一直被延续拍了那么多集,以电影界来说,这部电影能拍那么多集已经是奇迹了。现在在想要不要看唛它们五部。三、四、五和六集是由Justin Lin导演领导,是来自台湾。而第七集将会由来自我国马来西亚砂拉越的James Wan来当导演,奇怪的是James Wan大多数专做接拍诡幻鬼片,可能他接这部戏来转换下风格。剧情是说Luke Hobbs这位警长寻找到Dominic Toretto,并要求唐(Dominic Toretto)帮警部抓拿一班匪徒,匪徒的老大是Owen Shaw,曾经是军队的人,那班匪徒有很厉害的驾车技术,一般警部难以追到他们,所以Hobbs这位高大强大无比的警长找上唐,出来条件,让他们找回他们以为死了的Letty。因为LettyShaw的一团里面,唐决定召回他的队员,原本大家都在安宁享受平静的生活中,一听到自己的队员有难,顿时不理三七二十一,快速回到唐身边听从命令。Brian O’Conner以前是FBI美国警察,不过由于以前摄入匪案而带着MiaToretto和他们的儿子Jack在外地生活。MiaToretto是唐的妹妹。原来Letty失忆了,不过后来她选与唐在一起,虽然最后还是回忆不起以前的记忆,就算失去记忆的她也是喜欢唐。Han Seoul-Oh(韩)由Sung Kang饰演,是韩国人,但有流利的英语,是导演Justin Lin找上他来演,他还说会带他演到第六集,结果真的到第六集而已,他就死了,可能导演带不到他了,因为第七集不是他执导吧。韩因为Gisele的飞机那时意外死,而悲伤不已,为了他和她的约定,韩去日本散心。一次赛车时,突然有一辆车有意图撞翻韩的车,并杀了他。接下来要看第七集才知道下文了。

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